Empowering Educators
Empowering Educators
According to the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 report (Newman et al., 2011), the two predictors of long-term success for students with learning disabilities are (a) supportive teachers who understand their learning differences and (b) close relationships with mentors. We faciliate both.
NoticeAbility has designed an online instructor training program that prepares facilitators to deliver its enrichment curricula in schools, homeschool and afterschool settings. Instructors may be traditional educators, tutors, parents or caregivers. The only prerequisites are compassion, patience, and a desire to mentor. NoticeAbility will provide you with the rest: easy to follow lesson plans, classroom instructions and even teacher scripts!
Instructor Training
Our 2-hour online training program provides instructors with the tools they need to facilitate a NoticeAbility course. The self-paced course provides insights into the dyslexic experience, the correlation between social emotional learning interventions and academic performance, and the step-by-step instructions needed to facilitate a course. Upon successful completion of the training, Instructors will receive a course materials book.
Curricula Implementation
Each NoticeAbility course introduces students to professions that highlight the neurological strengths of the dyslexic mind (entrepreneurship, engineering, architecture, and art). Our curricula are implemented through multiple modalities (video instruction, graphics, illustrated aids & audio presentations). Students participate in project-based exersizes that foster social-emotional learning and executive functioning skills.
Class A: Online Learning
Students have secure, individualized access to NoticeAbility’s online learning platform. Each module housed on the platform contains 2-3 videos of (approximately) 20 minutes of learning content. During each module, students explore the course content of the week, the corresponding strengths of dyslexia, and the social-emotional skills required to succeed in the team-based exercises.
Instructors are encouraged to facilitate Class A in a location where students have access to their own desktop computer, laptop, or tablet which enables students to learn at their own pace. The course materials book includes clarifying questions that instructors can use to ensure that students have understood the content and concepts.
Class B: Collaborative Team Learning
Students apply the knowledge they have acquired during Class A to a team-based, experiential learning projects. In NoticeAbility’s Entrepreneurs & Innovators curriculum, students work in teams to ideate a unique product that addresses a common problem. In our Engineering & Architecture course, students work use a 3D computer rendering program to create residential homes, landscape architecture and civil engineering for inhabitants of a unique biome. In our Consenses Arts, students engage in a game of ‘telephone’ using studio and performance art to communicate.
Throughout all of NoticeAbility courses, instructors provide students with guidance on using active listening, conflict resolution, and negotiation techniques to ensure the success of group work.
The most important thing gained from the session is being given the opportunity to start to make a positive difference in a students life.